You might have figured out by now that you need to be special on the internet. If you just try to be like everyone else and you just blast your offer, you’re not going to be happy with the result you get. So, you need to go a little bit of an extra mile to be a little more special, a little more unique, and a little more customized towards a particular crowd.
So, how can you give some kind of a special offer for your membership site on a webinar, on a forum, to someone else’s list, or even to your own list, how do you do it? Some easy ways to do that are to give an additional bonus for a particular crowd to deliver the content faster or even just to give them so many multiple bonuses that it’s completely a different offer than the general public gets. And additional bonus for that crowd is very easy. Simply create a new membership level and add a new post with a special bonus and give only that new membership level access. Very easy to do. And you set the membership level based on what the new community is. So, if you’re making an offer to say the warrior form, make a level called warriors and then create a bonus video just for your warrior members and call it warriors, then make your payment button, send them over to that particular level after they buy.
My favorite special bonus for a certain crowd is a one-hour webinar just answering questions. It’s super easy because you can sell seats to that before you even have created the bonus, and then the bonus is 100% customized because it’s based out from user’s questions and it’s very easy because all you’re doing is answering questions. You don’t need to think of any of the content yourself. You just answer what their problems are. But you don’t want to compete based on price. I don’t like when people give discounts for certain groups because it causes too many problems. You have people who already bought and asked you for a refund of the difference, you have people asking for you to open it up a little bit longer so they can get it at a discount, and it just trains your buyers to pay you less. You should be training your buyers to pay you more.
So, how about this. Instead of charging less, charge the same but give them the content faster. So, let’s say you had a $100 membership site, one-time payment, but after they pay, they get information dripped out before getting the main product, they will get the main product after one week. So, your special offer to a certain crowd could be instead of having it with the one who wants to get a little bit and then the main product, they get the main product immediately and then they get stuff dripped out. So, instead of cutting the price, think about doing a faster delivery of content such as removing the trial period.
And finally, you don’t have to add just one bonus. Add multiple bonuses. What if you offered one video per week, but just for warrior members, you offered two videos per week? Just schedule it as if you do two videos but only allow video #2 for every week to be on the warrior membership level. It’s very easy, it’s specific to that group, you don’t have to make a totally different membership site and it’s double the value for the same price.
So, I hope you got some ideas about how to customize your membership offer to one person or one group, but the thing to remember is not to cut the price, just add value. Compete based on not price, compete based on value.
Get up a membership site set up so you don’t have to compete based on price and you compete based on value right here.