Is A Theme for My Membership Site Important

Many people insist that having a theme to a membership site is of great importance. Although it is good having a professional looking membership site, it actually it is not an important factor at all. The reason why its is not that important is that when people start out developing their membership sites they become so engrossed with the theme of the membership site that they pay little or no attention to the quality of the content of their membership sites. It is the content that is the important factor and not the theme at all of the membership site.

A membership site that is professional in appearance but has no decent content to offer is not going to last very long as a potential member will just look elsewhere for a site that suits his specific needs. This membership site will often feature very little variations in the theme but loads of content. Of course it is nice to have a good looking site but certainly not the main priority when you are running when you are running a membership site. A nice looking theme for all your membership sites should you have a few is also fine as it enables the members to recognize you particularly if you have developed a good site with excellent content. It also assists in the speedy development of the new site as you can spend more of your time in sourcing and developing really good content that is in keeping with your reputation.

An important part of the theme is to ensure you have a user friendly navigator ensuring that the user is able to find older posts, locate different categories and to leave useful comments or questions. The most current posts need to be easily recognizable.

There are a lot of color combinations to choose from for the theme. You can use green, black and yellow or purple, white and pink. The choice is yours alone. It may be a good call to check the color schemes used on the sites that you are attracted to and follow that rule for your own membership site theme.

The themes for WordPress and membership themes do not need to be overdone, in fact the simpler the better. There are not any rules that dictate having large pictures all over the site. This type of theme makes for very difficult reading and therefore navigating is also difficult as the pictures actually become a distraction and then a frustration.

A membership site theme is not too important but it is definitely nice to have a simple theme that is good but making sure that it is not a distraction. It is then reusable on your new sites and also does not date but rather becomes your signature tune.

With the information on the importance of a theme addressed, you will then be able to develop an excellent site without neglecting the importance of the content. Visit for assistance in developing your new membership site.

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Should I Create My Own Membership Site Or Promote As An Affiliate?

I’m sure you’ve heard the craze about membership sites. You create a site with a bunch of content and people pay you month after month to get access on this content whether it’s written materials, downloadable items, software, or video. But many other people have already created the membership sites you have thought of. And they have an affiliate program, meaning you can promote this. You can send paid members into these programs and get a commission back.

The real question is should you create your own membership site or promote as an affiliate. There are pro’s and con’s to both.

Being an affiliate sounds great at first because you don’t have to create the products. You don’t have to maintain subscribers, you don’t have to e-mail the subscribers so they’ll know about new updates, and you don’t have to really do any work to keep people in the membership site. All you have to do is recommend that these people join the site, and it’s up to the membership site owner to keep people in that site.

But what are the bad things about being an affiliate?

You don’t get all the money. You are working hard just to get some kind of a commission and many of these membership sites, you get a low percentage, like 20% or less for recurring commissions, and for some other affiliate programs, you get paid for the initial sale but not for the recurring commissions. It’s very important that you check the terms of service carefully.

Then the one thing that most affiliates don’t realize, and that’s when you recommend somebody to a membership site, when you send them into that site, you give up that hard to earn and leave. You work hard to get traffic, you work hard to get somebody onto your mailing list and now, you just sent them off onto somebody else’s list.

Think about that. If you had one person on your list, and you got lucky and happened to get that person into five other membership sites, guess what, now they have six people e-mailing them instead of you.

Should you really promote someone else’s membership site as an affiliate or should you make your own? It just depends on how quickly and how easily you can create content.

If you can put together a membership site that lasts for six months, and you can put that together in two weeks or less, then you definitely should look into creating a membership site. On the other hand, if you struggle to even create one single video or get one single subscriber, then you should start off slow, promote a membership site as an affiliate now and then in the future, get into your own membership site.

Let’s shortcut the process and the hardships it takes you to create content for your membership site. I want to show you how you can create an entire membership site in one single day, stop promoting other people’s stuff as an affiliate and finally, make your very own membership site at:

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How to Use Resale Rights to Pad an Existing Membership Site

There is a way out for those who have written an eBook or made a video training course and don’t have enough material to last for a three month or six month membership site. You can still make it work out by using resale rights to extract the content in your membership site and take something that has worked out previously and prolong it into three to four months of training.

It’s possible, allowed and helpful to include your content to the one you have purchased and sell them. Examples are; doing a training you don’t like, big picture training and strange additional training.

Most of these training methods are the kind that you may never think of doing. For instance, initially it would be a good idea to include content to a membership site about list building. Discussing about the different kinds of email versions to be broadcasted to my list, I included the types of follow-up program into my autoresponder which was fun. For someone looking to set up an Aweber account and teach how to create a new list, one has to buy access rights that enable them to create an Aweber setup and material on how to create a dynamic and reliable autoresponder and how to duplicate your form code.

Buying resale rights on a subject you are teaching may translate into teaching the newbie stuff by which you don’t have interest in, or teaching a higher level topic which is the second type of resale rights strategy and the big picture training. Someone who has no idea needs to note this which needs no explanation. You may consider having explanations on things like how to sell a course or about forum marketing onto message boards. However someone topics just need to be mentioned and need no further explanation. Examples of such self explanatory topics are: how to register for an account, how to make your own post, or how to set up a signature.

At last you can purchase resale rights which give you strange and exciting ways of tackling out issues.”Neurobites” is an example of three things which produces sounds that puts someone in different moods depending on the sound. These are defined as things that make someone relaxed, or aid someone to focus on some things, or to be more creative. Assisting someone on how to be more relaxed or how to improve their life, that’s having some kind of self-help course, which can be bought and packed on a special offer and can apply to any kind of training.

Those are some of the options on how to use resale rights to pad an existing membership. By buying information for a course you don’t have interest in and using that information to complement what you already have to help you audience get the bigger picture on what you are trying to teach. This training enables the things that you teach to be put in an unfamiliar way. Visit to see how you can get extra content to make the next membership site.

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Quick Ways to Improve Your Membership Site

It doesn’t matter how much effort you put in your membership site; there is always room for improvement since you must have left out something at one point. This is why I am about to share with you three very easy things you should do to improve your membership site now. The three are, having a welcoming video, a question post based on questions and making your system a step by step system.

Have you ever made a welcome video? How do you do it? The best think to do is to take a video of yourself in a blank background welcoming people to your site. It may not look like much but when someone joins most sites, there is always a boring and normal collection of texts on the page so when they find that on your site somebody actually takes the trouble to personally talk to them, and they will feel the difference.

Record the welcoming video and inform them what they are require to do next; informing them which posts they should read first and inform them if you expect them to leave any comments or their descriptions. All these will depend on the type of membership site that you will have set up. If your site is a self help site you may have to ask somebody “what aspect of your life do feel needs improvement?” Do this and you will be shocked at the number of comments they will generate.

The next thing to do is look among the questions asked, half-post them and encourage them to comment on this. Having these comments is very convenient since there is very little work that you will have to do. A big part of your content can be generated this way , you will get users asking you some follow up questions, or even suggesting to you what they would prefer to find in the next content. Ask for comments at the end of all blog post or videos you have on the site.

Remember to make the training you are offering into a system; its is very hard for people to navigate blog posts without getting themselves distracted by other things or following some sort of a training course but making the system into a step by step instructions helps people figure out the exact steps to take next. They will even know if they are about to finish. This system also makes the content easier and more attractive to understand. People who are on for example step 3 or step 2 may refer to themselves as step three people, step 2 people, etc.

Incase you are yet to apply this improvements and changes to your site, please do them now. Make a welcoming video, encourage people to comment on questions you ask and turn your training into an easy to understand step by step system on:

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Gradually Build Traffic for Your Membership Site

Getting people to visit your website is not an easy task. Some methods such as affiliate and forum marketing are able to get people to visit your website, but only for a short while. When you stop generating content, the site visits stop as well. Other sources that you can pay for will get you some page hits alright; only problem is they don’t translate into sales. So the nagging question is how do you make people visit your website and make sure they keep visiting for a long time to come? In my experience, I would suggest 3 strategies for attracting traffic and maintaining that same traffic forever: SEO, Video and affiliate marketing.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the technique of enhancing the visibility of a website or a web page to search engines using free means and content. Usually, the more visible your website is i.e. the more times it appears in the search engines list, the higher the number of visits the web page will receive. SEO normally targets various types of search results, such as search for images, search locally, search for videos etc. Once you start receiving visitors to your website using the free content, you can then direct them to offers that have to be paid for.

An almost similar application can be put to use in subscription websites whereby you can partially protect content to allow search engines to still index your pages and improve your rankings, but when non-members visit your website, access will be denied to some important offers on the websites such as download links which can be hidden from non-member to force them to subscribe so as to get access to these resources.

Videos are another form of resources that can be used for marketing your website. Many people prefer videos since they are easier to make and publish than content that is written. Also, many people prefer watching videos; for example when looking for instructions about something than having to read through written literature. You can make the videos and use a tool such as to submit to video sharing websites such as DailyMotion and Youtube. Make sure to put a watermark pointing to your website on the video or if you are making a live presentation, you can mention your website at the end of the presentation, where you can direct people who need further information that you will have left out of your presentation deliberately.

Last but not least, there is the concept of affiliate marketing. You can prepare an email template that affiliates can send to potential clients. Affiliate programs can be considered with worthy partners such as ClickBank. With such programs you can be offering other huge commissions for making sales referrals. Make sure the commissions are generous enough to attract many people to your program.

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Find Membership PLR

Buying up the resale rights, master resale rights and private label rights to products is a great way to add value to your membership website. You can include them in your membership package, you can sell them individually and you can use them as giveaways to get people on your mailing list.

Let’s talk about where to go to find resale rights materials, how much you should pay for them and if they are worth it.

Resale rights can be found on the internet at sites like and This is not a commercial endorsement but these are two of the best sites for acquiring new resale rights. Both sites allow you to search using keywords as well as browse by category so you can see exactly what kind of material is available. You can also find out what type of format the video, audio and text products are in.

Another good source of private label rights is Google. If you type your niche keyword and the term PLR into this search engine you will usually get a lot of results. It’s good to make your search request as specific as possible. Google has a service called ‘Google Alerts’ that will send you an email when it finds new pages matching your keywords. For example, if you set up a Google Alert for the words ‘WordPress PLR’ then anytime someone posts a blog, webpage or sales letter using these terms you will be notified and might find a product of interest to you.

Once you find private label rights, how much should you pay for them? It’s better to pay $20 or over because then fewer other vendors will have the same product. If you find resale rights for a dollar it is probable that the product is no good and that many of your competitors already have it. It is feasible to pay quite a lot of money for hard-to-find or exclusive resale rights. They will add value to your membership site and you can sell copies to recoup your expenditure. As an example, if you paid $100 for a $20 e-book’s resale rights, you would need to sell five copies in order to cover your cost.

Private label rights products can also be of value in providing your membership site with content while saving you the time and expense of creating it yourself. If you buy the rights to a video training course that’s three hours long for $20, you know that you have received good value because it would cost you much more to produce the same product yourself.

When you are looking for private label rights and other resale products there are a few places you should go to first., and Google can all be effective places to find what you need.

Look at how you are going to recoup your costs or at how much time and effort you are being saved when you consider how much to pay for resale material. Consider how many copies of an item you must sell, how much value it adds to your site and the time and cost savings of producing the same material yourself.

Now you know how to find resale rights and how to value them, put them into a membership site at:

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How to Fill Your Private Label Rights Products Queue in Your Membership Site

The Private Label Rights model allows you to buy rights from others for their products and load those products to your website. This saves you the trouble of having to generate content for your site and leaves you the exciting bit of doing the promotion only.

However care should be taken to avoid your reseller rights subscription from filling up. You can do this by following a 30 day routine, have timetable and come up with a strategy to fill in the calendar. WordPress comes with an inbuilt scheduling feature that will allow you to mange a PLR without any extra software solution. WordPress’ scheduling tool will allow you to set the date for a post to be published and in that post include new resale rights.

To ensure that you pile the products right, set aside one day in a month to load the products and schedule them. This might take you the whole day but at least after you are done buying and scheduling products for that day, you will forget about the task for a whole month.

Also it is important to let the members of your site know in advance what to expect on a particular day. For example, they can expect to a video on Monday, software on Tuesday, and audio on Thursday etc. When you are aware of what you are expected to post on each and every day, it will be very easy for you to know what to buy and when to post it.

Finally, you must come up with a strategy to fill in your calendar to ensure that something is always available for your members even if you posts trickle in slowly. For example if you have les products than the period you want to run the site, and then make sure you schedule the product evenly over the period. If you get more products along the way, you can then proceed to fill in between the gaps that are left by your initial schedule. As such, you will notice that although your website will initially have a slow start with products being offered at large intervals of several weeks, this situation changes with time as you add more products to your website. With time, this interval gradually reduces to a few weeks then days and eventually you end up offering products daily.

Bu doing this, your membership queue of PLR products will be filled up having a daily product offering. Make sure you set a dedicated day to do all the tasks. Use your calendar fill in strategy to determine the products to buy and to know when to schedule each product. Schedule your products evenly by spreading them over the desired period and any other products acquired after that should be sandwiched in between and proceed to fill in the gaps until you have daily offerings.

For the step-by-step formula to setup a 100% private label rights based, visit us at:

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How to Best Direct Traffic to Your Membership Site

All who are constructing membership sites are worried by content. They fret over the theme to settle for. They are anxious on how to schedule their lessons. Amazingly, they do not ponder over the most important aspect of their membership site which decides whether or not they will make it, traffic, pulls people to see what is on offering. If you want to double the amount you get from your membership site, you have to; play around with the offer, change the sales letter which requires time, or better yet, increase the traffic to your membership site. Traffic increase can be achieved by doing whatever it is to boost traffic, but with doubled efforts. But if you don’t ever do anything to get traffic, you might have hit a snag. There are however three techniques you can apply to change this, forum advertising, editorials and endeavors.

Not all know what a joint venture is. It’s an instance where one approaches someone else and works out a deal. I have had joint ventures that were inclusive of joint blogging. They put their site where I did guest blogging. My joint ventures also involved been a guest webinar, hosting webinar for their clients. I would email for them sometimes, and vice versa. I would also give them ideas on how they could promote my products and earn a commission. I do something for them, and they do the same in return. We would also jointly venture and make money as one unit. But it is hard to convince someone to do that. It is hard as you go through so many companies, before you hear a yes, but once you do, they easily direct traffic to your site, boosting sales. The no’s are numerous though before you hear a yes that is worthwhile.

An alternative is article writing, but it I time involving and requires aggressive advertising. Here you are required to write 250-500 worded editorials that address a coon problem. If the question is too detailed, you can still write half a page in your response so that it qualifies to be an article. You can in turn post the article on your blog and submit it to article directories instead of simply and blindly posting it to the article directories and then start wondering why you do not get traffic in your site. This is content that will attract people to your site. Finally, once you get the hung of delivering these solutions, post them on forums. If in the forum there are questions to be answered, go ahead to and ensure you leave a signature line there. You can write 250-500 articles to address the problem. Leave your website’s link after each post you leave.

This is to draw traffic to your websites by encouraging people to click on your signature line. Once you have accomplished this, send them to a squeeze page where they can make purchases or leave their emails for them to be contacted.

Go to to see how a membership site can be set up.

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How to Generate Opt-in Leads for a Membership Site

First of all, you need to build a list and then you have to expand it. Except for those people who are buying from you, how do you make somebody new who has no idea who you are and what you do get on your list? It’s simple, you must ask them. You need to have a form that has a special place where people can enter their names and email addresses. What you need in order to get someone’s interests is a bribe. Some kind of a gift that they will receive after signing up would be perfect.

When it comes to bribes, reports aren’t the best solution because they take a long time to write. A report represents a word document of 5 to 10 pages turned into a PDF file that solves some sort of problem or gives your subscribers some piece of information. When entering their name and email address, they get this report. Because it takes a while to write such a report, it would be better to use an audio bribe which takes less time and can be circulated between different forums and communities.

If you want to offer some kind of bribe, create a page where visitors can come and see what the bribe is. The page should have a simple headline and about three bullet points that tell visitors to opt-in and a form. It’s a page where there’s nothing for them to do but enter their name and email address. From there they are directed to their gift. There’s no other way to get to the gift except for the signing up.

In case people don’t want to opt in, you can have a link directed to the gift, saying “if you do not want to opt in, get your gift right here.” But this can’t be done and it’s called chickening out. Just have a forced opt-in page where the only thing people can do is enter their name and email address and get their bribe. The bribe should be an audio or an interview, but it’s not a very big difference between them. An audio is just you talking while an interview is a conversation with someone else.

When creating an audio file, you can use Camtasia. This is a screen-capture program that records video, but you can use it recording a video and then just saving the audio. In case you want to record an interview, you can get on Skype and use a program named Pamela to record the conversation you are having with someone else. Plan to talk for 15 minutes, think about four or five questions in advance and if al least one of the interlocutors is an expert, there’s your interview. If both interlocutors are experts, it’s even better because your interview can last longer. After that, make simple audio files, zip up the audio and create a forced opt-in page where viewers must enter their name and email address in order to have access to your audio interview. It’s that simple!

Once you have created such opt-in pages, make them available only on certain forums. Don’t put them all over the internet. Take one audio recording of 20 minutes and give it only to a certain forum. You should do one of the following things: promote it directly on the forum or put it in your signature file. You can also try and buy a space, but the main idea is to make as many people as you can to come and claim your exclusive bonus. Having an audio bribe consisting of an interview or a simple audio is one of the best ways of getting opt-in leads and selling on a membership site.

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What Are The Usual Membership Site Mistakes?

There are high chances that the mistakes you are making today have been made numerous times before by other people. You only made the mistake because you did not get wind of the other’s mistakes and hence unwittingly allowed history to repeat itself. I want to show you what these mistakes are and how to avoid them. I will be happy to see you launch your own membership site and transform it into a money mint and maintain it forever because from my experience, these sites are the easiest way of making money online. The three most important and commonly made mistakes you should avoid are not doing enough marketing, pricing yourself too low and making the wrong choice of a niche.

Pricing too low can be catastrophic since this usually ends up attracting the wrong customers to your site, impulse and cheapskate customers are definitely not your ideal customers but those are what you will get if you charge too low for your membership. Contrary to common belief, low prices don’t guarantee that everyone will be over-eager to buy into your site. I have experienced sales increases numerous times after doubling my price. Looks improbable and unnatural but it is the truth.

Instead of relying on your cheapness to attract people for you, simply make your marketing skills better. Have more self belief and promote your site more often with better sales letter to make people understand that the service they will get is worth the money they will get charged; that whatever they put in is much less than what they will get eventually. To gauge your marketing, monitor your traffic, the number of members joining your list daily. The fewer the figure you give as answers for the above two questions, the more reason there is for you to improve your marketing strategy.

Many people have fallen into this trap. They concentrate their efforts into making an excellent membership site, make very good products for their site and delude themselves into thinking that the hard part is over. They do not realize that the difference in the earnings is mostly brought about by how much effort they have to put in marketing the site. The trick is go out there look out for any connections with good profit potential, try to increase the number of people on your list and always ensure that you have new traffic and new resources.

The last bid mistake you can make in a membership site is for the site to have some flaw. What niche you choose for your site is a vey important in this business. You can no choose a niche that is illegal in your country or state and expect to gain from it things like gambling are not available everywhere so do some research first. Choosing a niche where you offer onetime solution can be pretty dumb. For example if you have a training course for the treatment of a yeast inaction. The members are going to pay the first month’s subscription but as so as the infection is eliminated courtesy of your training, they will drop out and rightly so since their reason for joining your site no longer exists.

I hope this has been really helpful to you and so you won’t be making those mistakes soon. Get started by getting free membership software from:

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