Why Don’t People Want To Join My Membership Site?

Your membership site is already established, but you biggest problem is that you have not been so far successful in getting people to join your membership site. What could you been doing the wrong way? There are many things that can cause this but the principal ones are that your site maybe lacking credibility, proof and you are not supplying enough details about yourself and the site’s purpose.

If a person reads the sales letter you send to him/her in order to promote your membership site and he/she is not sure of your identity, if that person does not see your name or photo anywhere on that letter, why should he listen to what you have to say? If you don’t explain why the services you intend to offer is so important then people will not have any reason to join your site.

The least you can do is to have your photo and name displayed clearly on the membership site you are trying to market and in your introduction. Clearly state the reason why you are an authority in the problem that you are offering to solve for the potential customers. While you are still on these, present some proof. Make them believe that you can really do what you claim to be able to in the sales letter. The most common proof you can avail are testimonials from other customers who are happy and satisfied with the service you rendered to them. Exhibit the photos of these customers and their full names. Give detailed information about a real individual who joined your site due to certain problems he had and how you helped solve those problems.

Clearly specify what service you are offering. Don’t leave potential customers confused after reading your sales letter. Explain the advantages of someone becoming a member on your site. Use a tone of excitement to excite them with all the big things they are going to achieve through joining your membership now.

Giving enough details, showing your credibility and proving that your program works in your sales letter will surely boost the response from your targets. Try it now and see how if it works for you. at http://www.membershipcube.com … you will find anything and everything to do with membership sites.

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People May Not Enjoy Your Membership Content

Always be prepared for the fact that there are going to be people out there who will not enjoy the content of your membership site. It happens all the time, you cannot please everyone and membership sites do flop. You need to be able to ascertain whether or not the membership site is really bad or if you just have a bunch of lousy members.

Firstly you need to find out why your site is getting flack from its members. Check the content to see whether their criticisms are justified. If you find that the members are in fact correct in their criticism, then you need to change and improve the content immediately as the last thing one needs on a membership site is unhappy members. If however, you find that the members criticisms are unjustified and are complaining about nothing then you need to get rid of them before they spoil the entire membership site and then entice a whole new breed of members onto the site. Find out from the outset the sentiment the new members have about the membership site.

When seeking their opinion, ask which content of the membership site they enjoy most or which content they would like to see improvement on. Once you have got all that information, you can then go about upgrading the content that is least popular and work on improving the site from the bottom up.

Those members that have dropped out of the membership site need to be contacted by email to find out exactly what made them unhappy and show them that you are making every effort to improve the site to their liking and endevour to get them back on board the membership site.

Always keep up with the daily and weekly content together with periodic contest to make the site exciting and interesting. Create a blog for comments and questions about the content and the membership site. Ensure you are always there for the members to communicate with. Listen to their suggestions on all the content, be it video and or audio.

However, if all your efforts to improve the membership to everyone liking fails, then you have to realize you have got a bad bunch of members.

A failed membership site could also be due to the fact that although the content is really good, it is just not suited to the profile of members on the membership site. You will be offering a certain type of content and they are not interested as they would prefer content on another subject.

So therefore you need to analyze the reasons for the discontent within your membership site and then rectify the problem quickly before you land up losing all the members. You will need to use every trick in the book to regain the confidence that the members initially had in your membership site when they ititially enrolled in it.

Visit: http://www.membershipcube.com to develop a profitable membership site that ensures all the members are happy.

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Which Plug-in Will Help Me Set Up a Site Filled With PLR Materials

WordPress is arguably the best way you can host your membership site but a problem is presented to you when it comes to choosing the right plug-ins for a particular function from the big array of plug-ins available in WordPress. A membership site is a great way of using any resale rights materials you may have idling on you computer hard disk but which plug-ins do you use in the membership site. Here are three pug-ins that I used on my membership site; these plug-ins are a big convenience and they save me many hours of work each day. The plug-ins is the drip plug-in, the video embedding plug-in and the article posting plug-in.

If you have ever attempted to post more than 50 articles to a blog, then you will know how tedious it is. You have to separately copy the headlines categories the article and copy the body; it is a big inconvenience. Luckily for you, WordPress has a plug-in that you can use to upload a compressed ZIP file full of a large number of articles. The plug-in will then separates the articles and schedules them in order of appearance your blog. This makes posting 40, 90, or even 300 articles look like child play.

What is the work of a video embedding plug-in? Videos are fast and great way of generating content for any membership site. It is as easy as talking in front of the camera and showing this to people not a lot of editing is required here. Making a video is as easy as pie, but a problem shows up when it comes to uploading it into your site. It is even more tedious than posting articles; if you have say 60 videos, you will be required to copy and paste a special code to upload this 60 videos. Using the embedding plug-in however can help you post numerous videos by simply typing in the video’s filename and it is left to the plug-in to figure out what code to embed that will ensure that the video plays properly.

The third useful plug-in is the drip plug-in. Its main task is to schedule the videos and article on the site so that on joining the site, they are gradually fed this content for a much longer time. All you have to do is to save say 2 months worth of content upfront but the drip plug-in will schedule the information such that it trickles to them slowly in the course of the 2 months. This ensures that he members get something new everyday or after every few days hence giving they reason to stay in the site for longer.

The article submission plug-n, drip plug-in and the video embedding plug-n are the three most useful plug-in types you should go for incase you are undecided which WordPress plug-in to use. Go to http://www.membershipcube.com and get numerous free plug-ins and instruction.

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Get New Subscribers

When a membership website has a problem it usually has nothing to do with the content of the site. The problem is almost always that there are not enough new subscribers joining on a regular basis. Here are five tried and tested methods that you can use to get subscribers.

Create a simple follow-up sequence. Many website marketers have squeeze pages, opt-in bribes, blogs and other marketing tools. They have a long list of subscribers that have not yet purchased their product but they fail to do one simple thing. They don’t follow-up with a sequence of email reminding people about their product. People need to be told an average of seven times about your membership site before they will decide to buy it. Send them lots of emails with reasons why they should join your membership site. Overcome common objections, answer frequently asked questions and remind them of the features and benefits of your site. They opted-in to your mailing list so they’re interested in your product; it’s up to you to close the sale.

Ask your uncommitted subscribers why they haven’t joined your site yet. Tell them to respond directly to your email and you will have your answer. Don’t send them a form letter or contact form. Make it personal and let them respond directly to you. You’ll find out why people aren’t buying.

There’s not much you can do if they complain about the price except ignore them. If they’re worried about the money back guarantee or the content, respond to and reassure them.

Add an up-sell to the end of your reports. When someone buys a product from you make sure that they know about your membership site. Add a page that tells people all about your site after they make a purchase. Remind them of all of the benefits they will receive if they join.

Blitz the market with authority articles. Take some of the teaching content of your site and incorporate it into articles for blogs, article directories, magazines and online newsletters. Let everyone know that you are an authority and expert in your subject. Include your membership website address at the end of the articles.

Add a pop-up to your blog. If you have a blog you probably spend a lot of time writing informed and expert articles for it. You are wasting an opportunity if your blog does not direct potential subscribers to an offer like a free newsletter. Add a pop-up on your blog that offers a free gift in return for opting-in. That way you are capturing your traffic in a mailing list that can be used for further marketing efforts.

If you’ve been wondering about how to increase the number of new subscribers on your site, remember these five tips.

Tip #1: Have simple follow-up sequence.

Tip #2: Ask subscribers why they haven’t bought the product yet.

Tip #3: Add an up-sell inside your other information products and membership sites.

Tip #4: Blitz the market with authority articles.

Tip #5: Add a pop-up onto your blog.

Now that you know how to get new subscribers set up your membership website at: http://www.membershipcube.com

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How to Prevent a Membership Site From Becoming a Burden to You

Nowadays, it is very common for people with their own membership sites to work themselves to death trying to maintain these sites. This is an easy situation to get yourself into. At the initial stages of the membership site development, it is normal to become extremely excited with the fact that you are the proud owner and running your own membership sites. It won’t be long before reality sets in when you discover that it is actually hard work keeping it up. It is also easy to lose interest in your membership site. This is a sad thing to happen to anyone as they should have a passion in their membership site and their business and therefore look forward to making it profitable. Keeping your membership site alive and exciting does not mean that they need to be recurring sites, they can be offered for free to your members but most importantly, they must be a membership sites with a fixed term.

To clarify, the membership does not need to be a recurring membership, means you can charge your member a once off fee to be able to access the membership site where videos, audios, blog posts and downloads have been posted. However, they will be locked out should they want a refund. Developing membership sites with a once off joining up fee is simple and easy to maintain you when you are inexperienced and just staring it up. It is possible to amend the payment options at a later stage if you so choose to.

Membership sites can also be free, and do not always have to have an asking price. All you need do is gather together the articles and videos you have on the internet and put them into a non paying membership site for all to view when they so please. They will however, be required to join up for this free membership site. Then, with all the email addresses you have accumulated from this site, you can create a subscriber list of all the members within the membership site.

Now just think about it, you have a few options, a single payment membership site can be turned into a recurring site. A free membership site can be changed into a recurring site. Another easy option is to charge a monthly fee for between three to six months and thereafter they can view the membership site for free for as long as they want to. That way you will have members wanting to join up as it is a very good offer and you will develop a large member list.

This is extremely good advice to those of you who are having a problem in maintaining your membership site. Ensure that they are fixed term membership sites, that they do not cost any money to start off with and that they are not recurring membership sites.

If you have been having a problem in creating a fixed term membership site, you will be shown the best way to get the membership site running properly by visiting: http://www.membershipcube.com

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Is It Worth To Invest on Free List Building Methods?

Whether you are building a member subscription website or a site dealing with a onetime offer for a product or service, you require an email list. This list will save you the trouble of having to start the marketing process all over again each time you need people to visit your site. Having an email list at least assures you of a certain number of leads that you can turn to anytime you need some hits to your website. In addition the list you already have has a potential for growth since the current members can be used to give referrals to friends and family members.

These lists are built through various methods such as subscribing for PPC or PayPer-Click to get more page hits on your site, by offering free goodies through JV giveaway schemes or subscribing to SafeList. One thing though that one has to remember is that even though traffic to your website is good, it is of no use of most of the visitors are unresponsive to what is on offer. What is of utmost importance here is to get visitors who will actually buy what you are selling not visitors who just come to your site look though and leave.

Special emphasis should be given to gradually increasing members on your email list. Having a long list of subscribers who show no interest at all in what your website is about ought to be purged from the list since the website is about making money. Always target subscribers who are interested in your products and are willing to pay no matter how small the amount is. For example, it is better to get 100 subscriber paying $10 for something on your site rather than have 1000 who are disinterested.

It is also important that you target subscribers who though they have never bought anything from your site show interest in the content you have posted. These are the visitors who will read through your website and blog, ask questions and also answer to any email you send them. This shows that they are I interested only that they haven’t found the exact offer that will make them buy from your site. Maintaining a small list of these responsive subscribers is very beneficial in that the time spent in emailing those subscribers is less and complaints concerning spam are greatly reduced since you are sure the people you sent mail are interested in reading what you are offering.

Make a point of trying to generate interest in the unresponsive subscribers. You can do this by sending them mail regularly and consistently. If this fails, you can remove such people from your list and source for replacements. The best place to source for replacements are forums. What you need to do is to regularly post in forums and make sure to leave a signature with a link to leads to your website.

As we can see, the free list building methods though beneficial when starting a list, have to be used as a short-term measure. For more tips on how to build lists, visit: http://www.membershipcube.com

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Cancellation And Update Policy

Some people will stay in a membership for a long time while others will simply drop out after a short time. The big question is what access privileges should remain for the departed ones?

My philosophy is that a person who cancels his membership should be kicked out while the ones who pays the required sum are entitled to continue getting content for their lifetime if they remaining good standing. You may be tempted to act like a nice guy by setting up the site to allow people who have cancelled to access the content they paid for. But the sad reality is that there is no such “fairness” in the world.

It is the same as if you are taking a course in college. If you only settled half the required tuition fees and dropped out of the class, you will no longer be allowed to attend any lectures. The only things you will remain with are the notes you took during the duration that you attended classes. Another example that may help point you to the direction of denying anyone access to he site content is the hire purchase situation. If you only succeed in making half of the pre-agreed amount, the commodity is repossesed leaving you with nothing. Kicking out members who cancel also makes management of your site easier.This cancellation policy may at first seem harsh, but you can take advantage of it by explaining that for a person paying for membership for only five months on your six month membership site and then cancelling. That person will be thrown out of the site while those who makes the full six month training will remain a life member and an even come back anytime an the future to access any content that will be available at that time.

This policy is very important since most people nearing the completion of you membership course will have a feeling that they know everything that there is to know and hence cancel their membership. Make it known to them that lifetime membership will be granted to everyone who finishes the six month training while dropouts will not receive any favors from you. Another god thing about this policy is that giving people a lifetime access rants you an audience especially if you will later on upload videos and introduce new products. For the people who cancel before the completion of the training course, they can’t access any software update or a video you upload since they only paid for the period between the registration date ends the date they cancelled their membership.

On the other had if thy paid the full six months and one year later you make some changes or update your content, the will still be able to access this. All this when explained will convince your members that it is worth their money to stick around until the end.

In summary her is what you cancellation policy be. Someone cancels his membership, he/she is denied access to all content, while making the requisite payments guarantees a lifetime of update until the client himself chooses to opt out of the updates. More strategy on how to make your membership site on http://www.membershipcube.com

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Can I Really Create a Membership Site Field with Just Resale Rights Content?

Using purchased rights as the content of your membership site is very legal and it is a common practice among owners of membership sites. There is however one hindrance. Due to its popularity, there are so many Private Label Rights membership sites running even into hundreds. The big challenge therefore in this niche is to create unique content and make you PLR site better than the others floating around on the internet. Well, the three things to improve your Private Label Rights are expedite finding of information, discard the bad or useless products and make a better sales letter.

It is very important to make your site such that someone looking for a particular product needs to only conduct a quick search. How do you do this? Host your site on a WordPress blog. WordPress has an inbuilt search function, this way; People will have an easier time getting what they are looking for. WordPress also has a feature that can enable you to organize your site into categories. You can therefore create certain categories like private label rights, things only for resale, SEO, golfing, etc. Those categories make it easier for a visitor to navigate your site if you decide to make category for audio products video or even eBooks you can decide what is ideal for each resale rights material in your site.

Another way of improving your PLR site in order to beat the opposition is to discard bad or useless products. Most people are of the mistaken opinion that the more the content, the more the members your site will attract and hence end up collecting thousands of useless products for their PLR. Anyone joining a membership site is only interested in one or two things. So if you are a site owner and you have dozens if PLR materials in your computer memory, just discard the whole lot. And start collecting more merchantable products.

Finally, you have to improve the content and make it unique for yourself. Make sure that you improve your sales letter. To promote some individual products, use direct personal emails. Improve the site with some more graphics of your own. To the sakes letter strive to add you voice for better effect. Most importantly add your personality to everything you do on the site.

This is the way you can use the seemingly useless resale sale material sitting in your hard disk drive which are very sellable in a membership site. Remember to make sure that the information you provide onsite should be easily accessible by the interested people. Phase out the useless or out of date PLR and revolutionalize the way you prepare your sales letter and you will end up with a very successful membership site. Set up your membership here http://www.membershipcube.com and try out a few of these things.

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How to Reduce Refunds on Your Membership Site

The most popular answer given to why people haven’t launched their membership site is because they haven’t come up with any content for fear that visitor to their websites will dislike the content and demand to be refunded their money. This should never be the case especially when one considers there are ways in which demands for refunds can be reduced. It is not possible to completely eradicate these demands but at least there are available methods of making sure the request for refunds are minimal.

First of all, always make a point to speak out on the offers that you are giving in due time. This is because a good percentage of my refund requests come from people who are well of, whereby they buy into my offer and in a moment apply for a refund. The only way out is by announcing of your offers in due time to give everyone adequate time to plan before buying.

The second method of reducing refunds is by using PayPal to process payments instead of using ClickBank. As an affiliate marketing payment processor, ClickBank is superior but the only problem is they allow too many refunds without bothering to follow up and establish the root cause or better yet whether a refund is deserved. With PayPal, you can raise an objection to a refund request and be given a chance to be heard before the refund is affected or rejected. The greatest limitation with ClickBank is that the refund or cancellation process is too easy and can even be activated accidentally.

Simplifying your customer support function is another way of reducing demands for a refund. Some people will ask for a refund due to very small reasons such as being unable download, or the customer did not receive the ordered e-book or software. With a strong customer service, you will be able to resolve some of these issues and avoid them from moving to refunds process.

Another exciting way to avoid refunds is by finding ways to motivate your customers by challenging them to get rapid results. As an example, it would be more fruitful if you held a competition for your buyers that would see you reward any customer who quickly puts what they have learnt from you into practice. This will motivate them to implement whatever they have bought from your site and enable them to see results fast.

Last but not least, you should be bold enough to price your website subscription without worrying that you will chase away some clients due to the high cost. This belief is very misguided since offering trial memberships might give you short term subscribers but these are not committed customers. They are more likely to keep asking for refunds on claims that your product is not exactly what they were searching for. Hence, it is recommended you set a fixed subscription fee and then market your site adequately in order to get serious customers.

Set up your membership and include members by visiting http://www.membershipcube.com

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Why should you make it easy for somebody to cancel your membership site?

The main reason for making it easier for members to opt out of your site is to avoid getting charge backs. If a member requests for cancellation of his subscription or applies for a refund, such a person has the option of contacting the payment processor you are using like pay pal and lodging a complaint. Incase they fail to get back their money using this method, they can request fro a chargeback from the bank or credit card company to forcefully get their money back as well as cancel the subscription. Due to this expediting the exit of members wishing to do so is beneficial for you in the long run. Holding on to say $20 is not worth the bad reputation you will get from the affair.

What should you do to avoid getting yourself in such a situation? Just act normally, encourage your members to stay to stay by improving the quality of the content. Show them the value of staying. Have a list of content that is going to be availed to them in the near future like next month or week. This is so that they don’t get worried about what the future will spring.

Lastly, be honest and inform them beforehand what they stand to lose incase they decide to cancel, and they and to gain if they stay. Make it clear that access to the content will be denied in the event of cancellation, but if they stick around until the completion they will graduate, access all available videos forever without having to make any further payments. On my membership site I have even uploaded some videos that I avail to anyone who has successfully finished the course. You can even provide bonus courses for people who have gone through with the course. This will keep them on your site since they will feel that they are having a complete experience on your site. They want to complete the course and graduate so why not make it more interesting?

This is how easy it is to let your member go. Make it as simple as process as you can if you do not want to deal with charge backs that may result in bad reputation. Inform them of the good things you are going to introduce after they have left. My thinking is that if you correctly apply the above three things you will be surprised at the number of people you will be able to maintain on your membership site. Find out many other things that may be useful about member retention right now at: http://www.membershipcube.com

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