What Price Should I Charge For My Membership Site?

Most people who run membership sites price their access way too low and that is a big mistake. You need to price your membership site at a point where there is resistance, where you have to do actually work a little bit to get that sale. And the reason for that is because even when you double your membership price, you usually don’t have to work twice as hard to get that sale.

Imagine if you had a thousand members in a membership site paying $20 a month and you suddenly realized that they would have paid $50 a month. You didn’t have to do any extra work, you just had to change one number and yet you didn’t. So you should be pricing your membership site at the highest price the market will bear. That based the question, “What should you charge for your membership site?”

You should charge at least $197 for live training, at least $97 per month for weekly video training and at least $27 per month for monthly video training. Do you offer live training? If so, do yourself a favor and price at $197 or above. I come across too many people who work so hard and run a live webinars, teleseminars, call-in days, personal critiques and then they’re only charging $47 a month or $97 a month and it’s just terrible.

If you’re doing this kind of a live training course, if it’s monthly, charge $200 a month or higher

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