"You Too, Can Own Your Own Membership Site!"
Write Your Own Paycheck
Start Collecting Residual Income
Just Like the Students
Of My Last Class Did,
In Record Time...
Be The Next Person To Join
And We'll Pay For
Your Membership Site Software
Out Of Our Own Pocket!
You're about to discover the most complete course on membership sites ever created. It might seem like there's a lot of stuff contained inside this course, BUT! There are two choices here.
I could give you a little info and leave you wanting more, but I want to give you everything you need to succeed, today.
We made this the most complete package you've ever seen and the reason to get it today is so you get everything now instead of having to be nickel-and-dimed the rest of your life.
"Would You Rather Have The Whole Story?"
Of Course You Would,
So Read On!
For the last several years internet marketers have told you how easy it is to setup your membership site and get a flood of people paying you every month for your services, your expertise, and your information. But there are just a few problems...
It's Not As Easy As "They" Say It Is...
These Are The Same People That Told You
"All You Need Is a Website"
- Where will you get the content for this membership site?
- How will you get people into it, and keep them from dropping out?
- What software will you use for the membership, and what plugins?
- What the heck will you do next?
How Did That Work Out For You?
I Can Tell You From My Own Personal Experience:
Membership Sites Are The Best Thing
To Ever Happen To Me!
It IS possible to profit from a membership site as long as you make the right decisions. But don't worry, we've already made the tough decisions for you in our simple step by step system.
I'm confident in those steps because these are the same steps we have implemented to create 20+ membership sites -- 19 of those sites were created in a 12 month period. And guess what, they've all made money: some as little as $2,000 and some over $450,000.
Imagine You Too Making a
Profitable Membership Site!
"Built 3 New Membership Sites"
My favorite new thing I mastered in this class is building membership sites using wishlist. I built 3 new membership sites and updated 3 lead generation sites.
This class reminded me of the many types of content that I already own and can add to my membership sites. I have gone through all the products I already own and will be repurposing and repackaging them for my membership sites.
Using the traffic strategies learned from this class I will build traffic to my sites and fill up my membership sites with the 22+ types of content taught in this class.
Rhonnie Rapoza
Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA
Other marketers make more or less than depending on their advertising, content, follow-up, and offer, but the point is this:
I've done this enough times to show you what works and what doesn't.
I've had many repeat successes in memberships and I've had all the failures too.
I'm going to steer you into the successes and away from the failures.
The Sad But True Reality Is:
There are Too Many Bad Membership Solutions Floating Around Out There!
In order to run a membership site, there is no choice, you need membership site software to run it.
But how? I coded my first membership site from scratch in the early 2000s. Just like with any "version 1.0" software, it was a mess and it broke a lot... sometimes letting people in who hadn't paid or denying access to people who had. It took months of work to perfect the software before my business partner and I could actually launch the thing.
Back then there were less than 5 membership solutions on the market, and they cost at least $2000 for EVERY site you wanted to use it on!
But let's fast-forward to the present day where you are in an even stranger situation. The technology is here now, and now you have at least 32 different membership options to choose from.
Which is the Correct One?
You Have a 1-In-32 Chance To Get It Right...
Talk About An Unfair Game Of Russian Roulette!
The problem with choosing the wrong membership software is there's no way to change your mind later. If you have recurring payments, changing the software you use will break all those payments.
Most of these are "duct-taped" together: you have to get one piece of software to handle the members, another for the blog, another to connect to your autoresponder... and even then, watch a lot of complicated video tutorials that tell you to change this file and edit this on your server.
I'm a tech guy and some of these take me a day or two to setup. Luckily, we want to give you the right one that will have your membership site live in about five minutes from now.
Keep reading to find out what that is.
"Great To Deal With Someone
Who Overdelivers!"You guys are FANTASTIC! Your personalized attention was received with great gratitude.
It very appropriate to our relationship and was very very helpful to me. This handholding is exactly what this newbie needs at this time.
Since this is all new to me, i feel insecure constantly. Sometimes over really basic stuff.
For example, when others posted their pdf's, i went into a frenzy with questions such as: where did they get those ecovers, what fonts are they using, etc. I went on a mission to solve this and found "good enough" solutions.
The people in the blog are awesome but much further along in their understanding so it is great to know i can send you an email if i become stuck.
It is great to deal with someone who overdelivers. My experience with this field is that It seems the more i study the more there is to learn. lol
With the help of this program and you guys, i am tremendously optimistic that in the end i will have taken a giant step towards being able to make sense of this challenging but exciting thing called internet marketing
Benjamin Arroyo
Bristol, United Kingdom
A lot of the software that's being promoted today is no longer supported. You're stuck with a $4000 membership "solution" that doesn't run properly.
The worst part is...
Many Of These Membership Software Creators Have Absolutely Zero Marketing Sense!
The majority of the software I used required signup BEFORE purchase which of course killed conversions. Luckily, the membership software we're going to show you is designed to maximize conversions and sales.
Because we have repeated this process so many times in the past 3 years, we've perfected the process and written many of our own "helper" plugins, including the one thing ALL membership software promises but never fully delivers on...
Firehose or Drip Content?
When someone joins your membership site, they shouldn't have access to the 12 months, 6 months, or even 3 months of content.
You should drip the content out slowly, preferably a little something every few days, to keep them interested, just like an e-mail autoresponder.
Many people dismiss this as simply theory but I've accidentally killed off many of my own membership sites by providing archives. Your prospects join your membership site, download the last six months worth of content, and quit.
And then you're left scratching your head wondering why people quit your membership site after a month!
Why Do You Think
Your Members Just Left?
Because You Gave Away the Farm...
Because of all these problems, we realized there had to be a better way. A way to just avoid all the problems membership site creators have. A simple step by step plan that shows you with 100 percent certainty, how to setup your membership site and establish recurring monthly income.
But here's where others hit a big snag with membership sites -- probably the biggest factor in preventing a launch. The simple truth is you don't have to spend more than a day or two getting your membership content together.
You should actually start on a SMALL SCALE with your membership site if you want to make money. In fact...
Membership Secret #1:
Membership Sites Don't Have to be Recurring
(Use Your One Time Membership As A Test
To See If People Want More)
I know, this is the opposite of what most gurus are teaching.
The bottom line is, no amount of research or meditation will tell you if your membership idea will be a big win. The only way to know is to test, and the fastest way to test is to make something simple.
You can take your one-time product and make a membership site out of it. People pay one-time to get access. If they refund, the software automatically terminates their access.
Here's where it gets really cool. If you have a video product, you could have people pay you one time, and then the membership site slowly drips out the videos over time.
After the refund period has passed, THEN you allow them the downloads.
Or for a non video product, simply drip out bonuses. People pay you one time and then your system sends follow-up e-mails saying... login to the membership area, there's a new surprise bonus for you. And drip out bonuses throughout, or even after, the refund period.
I would rather have three one-time membership sites than a single monthly membership site. It's an easier way to build your list, and also cut down big time on your customer support.
With a membership site, you'll remove almost ALL "I lost my download link" requests. WordPress has a "lost password" feature. If someone loses their login access, they can retrieve their old password automatically. Let the machine do the work so you don't have to.
You know what else? Not only do membership sites NOT have to be recurring...
They Don't Even Have To Cost Money!
You can use free membership sites for lead generation. For personal coaching and accountability. Or even as a HUGE bonus for buying another product of yours.
The secret is selling new customers on a one time product, and when they want more information or help, they're pre-sold into your recurring membership. But even when you create a monthly membership, it doesn't have to continue forever! Check it out...
Membership Secret #2:
Membership Sites Don't Have to Continue Forever
The traditional membership model says you have to keep adding content to your membership site month after month, for years to come, which sounds good at first... but after three or four months, it really becomes a chore, doesn't it?
Here's where you can connect the dots: most membership creators will tell you that the average person only stays in a membership site for 3 or 4 month... so why create content further out than that?
The best products and membership sites I've created are the ones that had a built-in end date.
I Want to Succeed with Membership Sites Today »
How You Can Succeed at Recurring Sites While Most Others Fail
Right now I am giving you permission to create membership sites that stop at 12 months, 6 months, or even 3 months.
Plus, it's much easier to pitch the membership site to people. You're not selling ongoing training, it's an extended payment plan. You also have an easier time telling people what's in the membership. Only 6 months of content to get them to that end-goal, and then the membership site is over with.
There's no more "trying to grasp at straws" and filling up the site with content just to keep people paying.
NOW: This makes it possible to recycle your existing products into a membership site. That $47 product of yours just became a $12 a month, four-month membership. Easy, right? But what if people want to pay or more or less than $12 per month? I'm really glad you asked because...
Membership Secret #3:
You Aren't Limited to One Single Offer
In the past, doing something crazy like setting up multiple levels of your membership was the last thing on your mind. Back then it was all about, "I just need three more days to get this membership site up!"
But guess what, now that you can do it in just a few minutes, with just a few clicks, you can offer different levels and products within your membership very early on.
All you have to do is check a special checkbox on the posts of your WordPress blog you want to show to "gold" level members, and a different checkbox for the content you want to show to "silver" members.
"Operational Within the Next Six Days"
After taking your training, I am going to record more and write less. In the past I have taken way too much time writing the "perfect" article. Which has delayed making money.
I am changing my product delivery to use Wishlist Member and will be operational (taking orders) within the next six days. (I already knew that I could use Wishlist Member to integrate with PayPal. But your videos and comments to problems made it a reality.)
I appreciate your and Lance's direct response. When I signed up for this I wasn't sure in the first week or so whether this was all "canned." The canned stuff has great value, but your responsiveness is the difference. When I or others, have a problem, you respond. This has made me believe what Lance says that you are here to help us understand and put Wishlist Member and membership sites to work for us.
Warren Hayford
Leesburg, Virginia, USA
What REAL Membership Creators Have Discovered That
Clueless "Info-Parrots" Forget...
Offer lead-in products! You can use the same membership site for both recurring products and one-time products. Just create a membership level where ALL they get is a single product, create the payment button for that membership level, and now they can pay one time to get access to just a single product.
If you want to offer an upsell or a bundle offer, just create a new membership level, choose which products to include in that level, create the payment button and you're done!
When in the history of membership sites has it been this easy?
Never, that's when. But the problem most people don't realize is: now it's not only easy for you, it's easy for your competitors. So unless you act right now and start setting up a membership site, the competition is going to be too tough.
That's why I need you to take immediate action and create your membership site today.
Membership Secret #4:
You Can Set it All Up in a Day
That's right, it is possible to create a membership site in a single day. That's because you probably already have the content: products you have the rights to resell, articles you haven't published yet, and contacts who are probably more than willing to create content for you just to get some traffic back to them.
Remember, the membership site software we use LIVES in WordPress. There's no setting up this membership software, and this WordPress blog, and connecting them together.
Instead: click a button, WordPress is installed. Click another button, the membership plugin is installed.
"Already Selling Seats
and Creating New Sites!"
The challenges were my favorite thing, as I have a real problem with "analysis paralysis" (look it up in Google!) – Robert and Lance pushed us to action.
The technical stuff was mostly familiar but the way it is presented is very fresh and you will almost always learn something even if you think you know it all.
Thanks to you, I'm already selling seats and creating new sites!
Chris Garrett
Barnsley, South Yorks, United Kingdom
You Upload Just ONE Plugin, and You Have a Membership Site!
And then you install our drip plugin to make sure customers remain customers through the refund period, or continue paying their monthly fee if you're running a recurring membership site.
You only need to be one week ahead of your oldest member. Setup a single week of content and then record audios, videos, or recycle your early profits into buying and adding more resale rights products.
That's how you create a membership site. That's how we have created membership sites. A lot of it seems like common sense, and yet most marketers who try to teach this stuff don't have the same experience we do, so they leave it out.
But it's not enough to share the benefits and the reasons to make a membership site, is it? You probably know some or all of that stuff. That's why we want to mastermind with you and take you through the process to...
Create your first simple membership site in just a few minutes, by using one single product!
Introducing... the Most Complete Course
on Membership Sites Ever Created...

Includes Plugins, Software, Training & Community
I want to introduce you to Membership Cube 3.0, the most complete course on membership sites ever created -- that gives you everything you need to setup your membership site.
Not only that, but you get the training on how to setup all SIX types of membership sites you'll ever need to make money -- a single payment site, free, fixed term, continuity site, physical site and directory site...
Membership Training: 9 Live Sessions
Claim Access to Membership Cube 3.0 NOW »
Using our membership software, all you have to do is this:
- Setup a WordPress blog (can be done in 60 seconds with our 1-click install)
- Upload the membership plugin (takes another 60 seconds max)
- Choose your payment processor and create your pay buttons (2 minutes)
- Upload our "drip content" plugin (30 seconds)
We'll Show You Exactly How To Setup Your Own Membership Site In 4½ Minutes, Guaranteed!
"You Produced Monsters!"
I forgot to tell you how much you worked in the webinarcrusher course and how much you are appreciated.
You produced monsters, and I will include you as good examples in all I do... by the way I sold 3 products from the last webinar...
Wow. thank you.
Sophie Benshitta
Syracuse, New York, USA
Once your membership site is setup, you can focus on the fun stuff... like your content, your marketing, and making money!
Module 1:
Your One Time Membership Site
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
We want you to get immediate results setting up a membership site, so we're going to make sure that you get setup in the very first module.
Is your product only 95% complete? We'll help you finish it. Don't have a product? We'll find one for you to buy the rights to, or help you create an easy product from scratch. And then add it to a membership site!
In this first lesson we're going to show you:
- Step 1: How to get that one-time membership setup and configured in just a few minutes, including payment buttons, and order form
- Step 2: How to quickly add a week's worth of content in minutes... and then create extra membership levels for cross-sells, upsells, and downsells as easy as pushing a few more buttons
- Step 3: The four different types of bonuses you can drip out in your membership -- depending on what you want to achieve -- and when to use each type, so you'll never have to worry about getting testimonials, additional loyalty, higher conversion rates or reducing refund rates ever again -- plus I'll show you setting this up on one of my membership sites in realtime
The reality is, we could spend the entire course showing you how to test and tweak your one time membership site with WordPress, but what would be the point in that?
"Sold Out the First Day,
16 Members at $99 per Month"
I have to tell you some great news today. I officially opened my paid membership site today -- and the whole thing sold out a week before the class started! (I guess I wasn't charging enough)
I've learned so much from you about scarcity, marketing, limiting choices, how to use PowerPoint, how to use WishList member, I could go on and on. I think the most important thing I learned from you is the "do it now" philosophy of "ready, fire, aim."
When I wrote the sales letter for my class, I knew I was forcing myself into a situation where I would have to create the content -- it certainly worked!
The whole point of this was to generate a lot of content that I can sell later as a DVD set.
But now I have 16 members paying me $99 for three months ($297 per person) for a 10 week class. So those members are funding my product creation!
I've already set up a self-study version so that I can take on more members without adding to my workload.
Anyway -- I'm totally thrilled and completely exhausted. I really wanted to share this victory with you. You are consistently awesome, and I totally appreciate getting the chance to work with you.
Sherm Cohen
Canoga Park, Califoria, USA
We want to show you the easiest way to get from here to there, and not necessarily every little thing you COULD do with a membership site. That whole "you could do this, OR this, OR this" mentality is exactly the reason why so many people buy membership courses and do NOTHING!
Let Me In - Click Here »
Case Study #1: Blog Invasion System
($125 Per Hour FAILURE)The first membership site we created together was a total bomb. It was a four-week class consisting of a 2-hour webinar every week about how to position your blog so it sucks in above-average traffic and above-average responses.
We had no affiliates. We didn't even launch it properly -- we tried launch in on TWITTER of all places. And it was on the goofiest subject we've ever taught.
This is how terrible the launch was: we only had 8 takers at $197. We made an additional $500 sales from a front-end product leading up to the class, so we only made $2000 profit on that project.
Even though 8 people were signed up, we only had 2 or 3 people come to class live each week. And the profits... $2000 split 2 ways divided by 8 hours total is $125 per hour... not bad when you realize that's 18 TIMES the U.S. federal minimum wage and 10 times the average personal American yearly income.
And even when your launches fall flat on their face, you still own that content and can continue marketing it over and over... repackage it, tweak the price, tweak the offer, tweak the bonuses. But our biggest failure brought in $125 profit per hour.
We're going to give you step-by-step membership business plans that you can start and finish to achieve the goal you want.
One such goal is solving your content generation problem for good...
How to End "Writer's Block" and Content "Drought"
(and Make Money in the Process)
Module 2:
Product Creation
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
Imagine if you gave yourself a single 24-hour window to setup your membership site. Even if you had to price it low, even if it only lasted a month or two, that's still a membership site you wouldn't have had before, right?
- Step 1: The essential "must-have" plugins you should be re-using in your membership sites, along with how to move all plugins and start with the same "membership site framework" every time
- Step 2: How to create an entire month's worth of content in a single afternoon (or less)
- Step 3: How to get that first chunk of content (the hardest part) out the door, and the ONLY WordPress plugins you need to install in order to shortcut the process to getting any membership site, one-time or recurring, live -- TODAY! (we'll launch one of our own membership sites in a day to prove it to you)
Case Study #2: List Copywriting
(Instant Product in One Day)This is where the membership site in a day idea came to be. We wanted to create a membership site about list building, but we just didn't have time to add another project to our schedule. Our solution? Knock it out in a day so we don't have to worry about it.
We scheduled 8 webinars in a day, each one lasting 60 to 90 minutes. We started at 6AM and ended at 10PM, but before you think that's a lot of work... we had breaks in between and we split up the webinars. I hosted four, and Lance hosted four. (Heck, I even slept through a couple of Lance's webinars.)
The point is, it was all done in a day. We gave a few of our best students access to all the live webinars. We posted a special offer on a forum offering a day pass (and therefore lifetime membership to the recordings) for $97. 12 hours of training for $97? You better believe people thought that was a great deal.
Module 3:
Sales Letter & Marketing
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
Now that your membership site is installed, what will you do?
- What price will you charge?
- How long will the membership site last?
- What's your plan to keep people in the site month after month?
- Will you have an affiliate program?
- Trial period?
- Front-end offers?
In the "membership marketing" section of this training, you'll pinpoint exactly:
- Step 1: How to price your membership site and how often you'll rebill subscribers and update your content
- Step 2: How to assemble a sales letter promoting your membership site, plus how to get over your marketing fear so you can price your site at a level you deserve to get paid
- Step 3: The way to properly manage your time so your membership site doesn't become a chore, you can get it on autopilot and focus on your true passion instead of the usual "grunt work"
At this point you'll have all these questions answered FOR you, depending on how much content you have and what you want to accomplish with that membership site.
"I'd Never Built a
Single Webpage Before!"
The community spirit of all the students working together on this challenge while our 2 extraordinary tutors were on the road gaining more insights to share with us!
If you believe in yourself, and never never give up you CAN achieve amazing results.
I am ready to apply and adapt these new skills to build many many websites which incorporate areas of restricted and preferential access to members/clients for other jv business partners.
I'm going to make you guys proud very very of my subsequent achievements in comparison to where I started. (Someone who had personally never ever built a single webpage before!)
Wallace Gifford
Palmerston, New Zealand
Get Everything You See By Clicking Here Now »
Make Money Giving Things Away for Free By Taking Full Advantage Of This Membership Loophole...
Module 4:
List Building
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
Why the heck would you ever want to create a free membership site? The real question is... why WOULDN'T you create just one free site to collect testimonials, embed upsells, embed old articles, newsletters, and videos... and have something way sexier than just a lame "newsletter"?!
"I'm Going To Turn Every One Of My Existing Products Into Some Type Of Membership"
I really wanted to be able to add an affiliate program into my memberships, and use the 7 dollar script as incentive to get them in quick and easy. I also really enjoyed the Bucket lesson and the drip plugin, as I have so many things I will use this for from here on out.
I already knew the importance of keeping close contact with my clients, but I didn't realize all the ways I could do it until now. Not only all the different ways, but how powerful many of the ways you taught actually were. Just the auto-responder sequence in conjunction with the drip plugin will keep my clients very close to whats going on in the membership.
Ultimately, I'm going to turn everyone of my existing products into some type of membership. Some will be single payment and some will be recurring payment, but all will have the needed protection of my products, and the ability to grow or add bonuses etc...
Robert & Lance Thank You Very Much!
Peoria, Illinois, USA
- Step 1: Four ways to monetize a paid membership... guess what, in one of those models, you don't even call your free membership a "free" membership!
- Step 2: Four places to find paid membership content that you've already written and can be applied as-is, plus four other places to grab other peoples' content, and legally add it to your paid membership site
- Step 3: How to use a little known tactic to add 100% commissions to your Wishlist membership site and open yourself up to a huge following of affiliates and therefore massive lead generation
- Step 4: Run a "four day" promotion to new subscribers, sign existing opt-in subscribers to your membership site in a single click, build your autoresponder list if people join your membership site from outside your list, and much MORE!
- Step 5: How to run time limited special offers within your membership site (plugin included) -- you can expire offers on a hard deadline OR expire the post based on the number of days they have been inside the membership site
A membership with others doing the same thing and sharing problems and solutions really makes things easier and inspires everyone to keep going, and the way you and Lance present stuff makes everything simple and doable.
Things get accomplished in small steps.
I'm going to keep setting up membership sites. I think that is a better way to deliver products than just a download page. I also think membership levels are a great way to deliver upsells. I've become addicted.
Lynn Jordan
Beaverton, Oregon, USA
Case Study #3: "Reverse" Membership
($53,293.53 in Sales + 1,835 Opt-Ins)Many people misunderstand what a "free" membership site actually means. You could offer access to your membership site completely free, with no payment necessary.
Lance purchased rights to a popular product -- didn't even make the product himself. Didn't even write the sales letter himself. And spent 35 minutes not only setting up the membership site, but sending a quick e-mail to his list.
The result of those 35 minutes of effort was 1,835 sales and 61 refunds for a $17 product... so that means Lance should have cleared over 30 grand, right?
Although that site made $30,164 in front-end sales, he offered 100% commission to affiliates. When affiliates promoted that site, they received the FULL $17 sale. (178 of the affiliates made sales.)
The result was massive lead generation. Lance built an opt-in e-mail list of 1,835 BUYERS in just a few short weeks... and then sold an additional $20,800.53 in backend sales off the download page, and kept all of that money.
Total: $30,164.00 frontend, $23,129.53 backend, 1835 new buyers
Great, so now you've setup a quick membership site for your one time product, and another to build your list. See, creating a membership site out of thin air is easy! But now that it's setup, you need to get past this...
And now that you have all that content, you can recycle it and combine it in lots of interesting ways. You'll finally realize...
We'll Reveal to You Exactly Why You Can't Figure Out the "Massive Content" Strategy, and How You Can Finally Put Every Report, Affiliate Link, and Product Taking Up Space on Your Hard Drive to Good Use!
Module 5:
Fixed Term Site
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
"I'll Make A Higher Priced Membership Site And Drip The Content In As I Create It..."
The WordPress Drip plugin really helps with the sequence of showing the content and how I can control the consumption of it.
This class has shown me I should not be so vain to get it perfect, just get it out there and help someone, hopefully a lot of people but just one is OK too.
Now, instead of creating a 20-dollar ebook, I'll make a higher priced membership site and drip the content in as I create it and easy to use audio and video too.
Dale Anderson
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Here's a shocking but true fact: most marketers have already bought the rights to enough resale rights products to populate a massive membership site.
Or they have a half-finished report or two sitting around that, instead of launching as a boring e-book, they can cut up and use it as membership site content!
Want to offer something special to your list? Or have a monster bonus in your back pocket the next time you want to close your next big launch? Or even have a high-ticket membership to pitch if you're speaking at an event? Now you can thanks to the "bucket" model and...
- Step 1: Use the WordPress drip plugin to its full potential and how to position your content so your visitors are eager to login to your site every few days
- Step 2: Search engine optimize your membership site with permalink structure, pre-sell videos, meta tag plugins and more to ensure you get a consistent trickle of long-term traffic from every membership site you create in the future
- Step 3: How to post an unlimited number of videos onto your blog in record time, in a way that conserves the most website bandwidth, with no copy-and-paste or fancy codes, using the Video Player plugin
"Charge Them Once and Drip Bonuses!"
Here is what I love about Membership Cube, the awesome training and WP Drip! It's great because not only is it on target but it's not just a boring overview of the software, but HOW to use it to make money.
I find it very helpful that you train us on actual sites and show what the settings do to the actual site.
WP Drip is the bomb (is that still cool to say?) It is worth the price of entrance!
After watching your training on single payment memberships, I thought what a great way to protect content even though I'm not charging every month. Plus I think it is a great way to build a customer relationship. Charge them once, but get them to log back in by telling them about a bonus that has been added (using WP Drip) and then hit them up with an affiliate product pitch or another of my products.
This is going to be a breeze given the training you have provided!
Mark McCoid
Case Study #5: The MRR Club
Here's a funny story. Early in Lance's internet career he was about to host a webinar with someone, but 30 minutes before the webinar started... the other guy needed to pitch an offer at the end of the webinar... and they didn't have anything to sell that crowd.
Lance's answer: join one of those "master resale rights clubs" where they provide resale rights to all the products in the membership area, download all the content, and upload it to his own membership site. And repeat once a month putting in about an hour per month.
How much profit does a site that takes one hour per month of upkeep, that has no sales letter, and no traffic other than accidental SEO and "name dropping" the site in different presentations?
Again, even if your membership site only brought you in $100 per month... if you put in one hour of effort into it per month, then you're making 100 bucks an hour!
Click Here for Immediate Access »
The idea is that you already know how to setup your membership site, you can market it, get the subscribers in, now for the easy part... keeping the content going without you having to do anything else.
Module 6:
Continuity Site
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
When most people think about building a membership site, they put 100 percent of their thinking into the content generation, and almost none into the marketing and the launch strategy.
Are you kidding me? Creating the content is EASY... if you assemble your membership sites instead of writing them. Take your existing products and cut them up for your membership instead of making the content from scratch.
That's why in this session of Membership Cube 3.0, we're going to show you:
- Step 1: How to categorize your content into simple and easy modules for your members to understand -- most people configure their modules wrong but we'll show you how to do it the Robert and Lance way
- Step 2: Discover who the final winners were in the class and sign yourself up for the "promotion webinar" challenge where you'll get a flood of second-wave members paying to get into your site over and over again
- Step 3: How to tap into the power of Facebook (now with over 1 billion users) to keep your members logging in and paying you every single month
But wait... if you've been keeping up, you noticed we only revealed FIVE out of the six profitable membership models that we're covering in our eight module membership course. That's because we've saved the coolest and most profitable membership model for last...
Module 7:
Physical & Directory Site
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
Now that you know how to drop in a membership site from thin air, fill it with members and KEEP them there, I want you to try out the best membership model there is.
The final model requires you to take one small extra step when creating the membership site, but once it's done you'll be able to provide...
- A "DVD of the Month" Membership: take your screen capture, talking head, or even resale rights videos and send them as a reward for joining or for STAYING in the membership site
- A "CD of the Month" Membership: use your interviews, resale rights audio or even the audio track of your videos that kicks a physical CD to their door just for joining your membership
- Yet another reason for them to stay in, and one more reason NOT to cancel from your membership site
The point is, a membership site does not necessarily have to be a "keep it going forever" chore! In most cases you don't have to create a lot of new content. You can also position the membership in such a way that it's a more attractive offer than a similar non-membership offer.
Module 8:
Retention & Profit Multiplier
Instant Delivery (Join in the Next Few Minutes)
This really is the spot where most memberships fail... they try to make their membership the biggest and greatest membership site on the planet.
The reality is that a membership site is still a product, which means that you need to solve a specific problem. So how do you solve that problem but also:
- Keep people in the membership for as long as possible?
- How do you keep delivering value without overwhelming them?
- How can you keep the content going without putting in any extra time, or requiring your visitors to contribute comments?
"One Time Membership and Then a 6-7 Month Membership Site"
Combining WishList, WP Drip and the Auto Responder makes for an unbeatable combination.
I'm so new to all of this that every module was a total necessary learning experience…and I learned from all of it immensely.
My first launch is a pretty big launch, and I will have my product download on a "one time" membership site. I then will launch a 6-7 month membership site that is the same concept as my product... just done in a totally different more personalized way... with a lot more to offer the member than they would get from the product alone.
I'm finishing my branding... have my logo... minisite is almost completed... e-book is in its final editing... interactive software is in its final revision stages. I've selected most of my bonuses and have the other parts of the product well into their final stages as well. I have mapped out my time line and should be able to meet my deadline if my outsourcing finishes their part in time.
My gratitude to not only Robert & Lance, but to all the other "Membership Cube" students as well. I am expecting nothing but great things from all of you!
Pamela Miles
Portland, Oregon, USA
Membership Cube is going to answer all that and more. In fact we're going to show you exactly how to:
- Step 1: Easily write a flood of automatic follow-up autoresponder e-mails to remind members to consume your content
- Step 2: Get new members so your monthly income never dips ever again, plus how to reactivate old subscribers so they re-join your membership site
- Step 3: The ideal way to approach guest authors to improve your membership site and how to ensure they don't "take over" and how to reward people who paid through the entire lifetime of the membership... and have them already "pre-sold" on the NEXT membership site!
- Step 4: Legally and literally spy on your visitors! Find out who actually logged in, how often, what posts of yours they watched, for how long, even who's online now... so you can provide 100% proof a member logged in, and poke-and-prod those who haven't taken action yet
Case Study #7: Video Sales Tactics
The membership site that had the most amount of content with the least amount of effort was a membership about how to create video products. Everything from mindmaps, Camtasias, powerpoints, live action videos... even green screen techniques.
Each week, in addition to weekly webinars, we posted a new video almost every day... which looks impressive for the members, and seems like a lot of work, but in reality we just recorded the entire week's worth of videos in a day, batch produce, and schedule.
It's a lot more impressive to drip out one tip a day for 7 days, then post a single video explaining 7 tips. But when you stay a week or two weeks ahead of your subscribers, it takes the same amount of time, but you can put in a few hours one day and take the rest of the week, or two weeks, off.
Thanks to that batch production, we created 115 posts, 1317 comments, and 15 GIGABYTES of content for that membership site in just a few weeks.
Content generation aside, the launch of Video Sales Tactics 1.0 brought in 100 members totaling $16,700 in sales. The launch of Video Sales Tactics 2.0 brought in 45 members totaling $20,065 in sales. The launch of Video Sales Tactics 3.0 brought in 58 members totaling $15,226 in sales.
Do the math... that's $51,991 from three easy webinar classes... show up, run some PowerPoint slides, get paid!
I'm Ready to Begin My Membership Training »
Bonus Module:
Q & A Call
"About to Market My First $97 Product"
The accountability blog has been the most profitable for me (you already have some details on that).
I also discovered how to make a single product into a profitable membership site.
You reminded me to tackle things one at a time. It's so easy to be distracted and try to do everything you're learning at the present time and even with you guys you go from one thing to another so to keep up with even just you to say nothing of the other classes I take,I never get back to that one thing that if I finished it I would make some money.
I'm about to market my first individual $97.00 product (which will also be my first real product – I've only sold teleseminars and a few membership site slots before). When this sells, the others will be.
This has been the most profitable class regarding money as well as from a self-esteem and confidence level. You have made us do these things and that is good. I WOULD NOT HAVE DONE MORE THAN HALF OF THIS WITHOUT THE CHALLENGES. Thank you.
Terrie Wurzbacher
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Best Of All, You'll Be Able To
Create Membership Sites Quickly!
You'll Have Your First Membership Site
Setup in Just Two Hours...
Using Membership Cube 3.0!
With most membership training courses, you use complicated software and complicated strategies to take a month or a year just to setup one membership site.
Not with us! Here, you hit the ground running, take action with your first membership site, then get continuous training as you need it and want to apply more advanced strategies.
Who do you know that creates a 6-month membership site in a single day? Only Robert and Lance... therefore we're the perfect fit to get your membership site running while you're still excited about it and the idea is still hot and fresh in your mind.
The best part about showing you our membership models, especially the coaching model, is that we're about to show you a bunch of case studies of us actually using these membership models PLUS the strategies that go along with them.
There is no theory here, these are all membership tactics that work -- look over our shoulders to make absolute certain you succeed with membership sites.
"Launching My Coaching Membership Site"
Without a shadow of doubt, I love the the challenges you and Lance set the class.
I'm not an experienced internet marketer, unlike some of the students in the class.
However, without these challenges, I would not have pushed myself as hard and I was damned sure I wouldn't go without a fight!
You and Lance were very honest about the earnings, potential and actual, that can be made from running high value but well leveraged (in terms of time and resources) courses using a membership site model and so it strengthened my resolve to run fixed period membership sites and model what you do.
Thanks to this training, I'm now launching my coaching membership site and see how that one goes. I will be looking at other membership sites too, but as a JV to someone with expertise and a database, but no skills in setting one up using Wishlist etc. That way I can piggy back off of that persons expertise and list, building my own in the process, yet serving and adding value to their own existing clients and helping change their income model from time for money to a well leveraged model.
Gareth Thomas
London, England
Start Your Own Coaching Site: Join Now »
"You Guys Have a Customer For Life Here!"
Thanks for the personal message. Personalization and sincerity is what separates you guys from the other take-your-money and run gurus.
I've been meaning to write you guys since I paid for Video Sales Tactics. I knew when I signed up I wouldn't be able to participate. The reason is I've just launch a new website, produced a 1 hour training DVD, and signed up 3 new clients for coaching.
I firmly believe participation is the key to your learning model. I believe doing is the only way to learn in the end. I'm disappointed I'm not able to be doing in the classes. But even if I can't participate at the moment just being able to watch the webinars after the fact is worthwhile to me.
You guys have a customer for life here. Keep up the good work!
Matt DeYoung
Chicago, Illinois, USA
On top of all the membership training, you get the actual tools to make it happen, over and over... and FAST!
Join Us Today And Claim These Plugins
That We've Added To Make This Offer An Absolute No-Brainer For You
Plugin #1:
Wishlist Member
Multi-Site License
"The Easiest and Most Powerful Membership Solution Out There... It's Just One WordPress Plugin!" (Instant Delivery: $297 Value)
Wishlist Member is definitely the best and the easiest membership site solution.
This software costs $297 to purchase an unlimited site license separately. There is no other place on the internet you can find this piece of software for a cent less for that price.
Except here. We are going to buy an unlimited Wishlist license out of our own pocket -- in your name. And you can keep this license for as long as you are a member of Membership Cube.
Most membership software requires you to setup three separate components:
- The membership software to handle logins
- The WordPress blog to store the content
- A bunch of scary plugins to connect them together
But with Wishlist Member, you can run your entire membership site within WordPress. Setup a WordPress blog (we'll show you how), and upload this one plugin (we'll show you how), and now your blog runs as a membership site.
And that's not all... you can easily add multiple membership levels, automatically cut off user access if they cancel or refund, drip out your content, and more.
It integrates with most popular payment processors: PayPal, Clickbank, 1ShoppingCart, and InfusionSoft...
And most email services like Aweber, AutoresponsePlus, ConstantContact, iContact, MailChimp, GetResponse.
I'm going to buy YOU an unlimited site license of Wishlist Member, in your name, out of my own pocket.
Do you want to create 20 membership sites in the next 12 months? Great, now you can... for just a fraction of the cost it would take directly.
If you've tried membership software you know how important this is... especially because:
- aMember costs $179.95 for EVERY domain you install it on...
- MemberWing costs $199.95 for EVERY domain you install it on...
- MemberGate costs $3,995.00 for EVERY domain you install it on...
There is other membership software thats cost less, but they're either buggy or are missing the features you want.
You're going to get the Wishlist Member Multi-Site License so you can create as many membership sites as you want -- and it's going to be easy because Wishlist Member can be installed on as many domains as you want!
Plus You Get Never Before Seen WordPress Plugins to Make Your Membership Site Come Alive!
Plugin #2:
"Membership Designer" Theme
(Instant Delivery: $197 Value)
WordPress literally has thousands and thousands of "themes" (designs) to choose from, do you know which one is best? Of course not... there are too many options.
More problems: you don't know which ones are membership site compatible, which are updated for the latest version of WordPress, which ones look great or which ones look terrible...
In fact, you could easily waste several weeks of your life trying out hundreds if not thousands of different WordPress themes...
Introducing the Membership Designer theme (over 4 years in the making) -- one of the few WordPress themes designed specifically for WordPress membership sites:
- plain, simple, adapatable black and white theme
- total control over the look and feel such as the display of categories and pages
- easy one click uploading of your logo or site design
- UNIQUE: easily display different navigation or announcements based on membership level
- easily add tracking or analytics code in the sitewide footer
This is the exact theme Lance and I use on all of our membership sites. Every time we've switched or experimented with some other WordPress design, we've switched back to the Membership Designer look and feel within days. It's what you should use.
Let Me In Right Now »
Plugin #3:
"WordPress Drip" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $97 Value)
Here's the reason you probably want a membership site in the first place: the ability to drip out content.
Most people create membership sites like this. People pay for access to the site, so when they join, they see everything that's posted today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year...
Someone can join your site, download everything, then quit. Sound familiar? Maybe you've done this yourself... or someone's done it to you.
Most membership software, including Wishlist Member, makes an attempt at solving this problem. But the problem is they force you to drip out the content in "modules"...
So if you have 100 days of content...
- You have to create 100 membership levels
- You have to apply those 100 levels to 100 different posts
- You have to set level 1 to graduate users to level 2 after a day
- You have to set level 2 to graduate users to level 3 after a day
- And so on, 100 times!
Once it's all set, you can't rearrange posts. You're stuck, in more ways than one.
Instead, install the WP Drip plugin in your membership site. When someone joins your Wishlist membership site with WPDrip installed, they see the first post you have on your blog.
If your second post comes five days after that, then that subscriber needs to wait five days to get access to that next piece of content.
It Turns Your Membership Site Into An Autoresponder, But The "Timed Messages"
Are Blog Posts Instead Of E-Mails
This Gives Subscribers Have A Reason To Check Back Every Week And Keep Paying Every Month!
You can choose to give away a big chunk of content when they first join... like a week or a month, and WordPress Drip will rewrite the date on each post so it appears as if it's a brand new blog entry.
"WordPress Drip" installs in about 5 seconds... just choose how much content you want to give away at the beginning and you're done. You can even rearrange your content later without even touching the plugin. It even adds a list on your sidebar of upcoming posts.
No one else has this technology but you get it for free as soon as you join. You can start using it from day one. Make all the payments and you can use it forever, on all your sites. (If you cancel before completing any payments, we will remotely disable this plugin. It's only fair.)
Plugin #4:
"WP Import" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $7 Value)
Use this plugin to import a bunch of blog posts in one click to your blog.
Do you have 10, 20, or even 50 (or more) articles written that you could easily dump into your blog? In the past, you had to create a new blog post, copy and paste the title... copy and paste the contents of that blog post... and then set the date and the category. For EACH article!
Importing content is a 1-click process with this simple plugin. Just gather the articles in any order (one text file per article) zip them up and upload them using the interface in this plugin.
You can decide what date you want to set these new articles -- backdate them or schedule them out as new content. Control what time of date and how many days apart they are posted, and in what category. Dumping content into your blog just became as easy as possible.
Click Now: Get Started Here »
Plugin #5:
"WP Notepad" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $27 Value)
Whether you have your WordPress-based membership plugin already installed or you're still researching your options, you need to install the plugin I'm about to reveal to you, on your WordPress blog.
And allows them to chart THEIR own progress on YOUR membership site...
Think about it. We've all been in situations where we logged into some kind of membership, began to read the information or watch the videos, and you were distracted, had to pause and leave the computer... then you come back and have NO idea where you left off. BUT...
- Wouldn't it be great if you could simply CHECK A BOX and instantly know where you left off?
- Wouldn't you like to be able to watch a video, and take notes directly under that video -- that no one else could see?
- Wouldn't you like those notes to remain safely stored for the next 6 weeks, 6 months, even 6 years -- ensuring you'd never lose them and always be able to come back for easy access?
- Wouldn't you like to be able to see EXACTLY which parts of a training course you have and haven't completed, and see all your personal notes in one place?
- Now you can give that functionality to the users of your membership site... in just a couple of seconds, by installing this easy point-and-click WordPress plugin
WP Notepad is the first and only plugin that transforms your wordpress membership site into a full-blown training course. Install it now, it's included as part of your Membership Cube 3.0 access.
Plugin #6:
"WP Kunaki" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $47 Value)
If you would like to stand out from the crowd, make more sales (and more money), then an easy way to add value and quality to your site -- all while getting more personal -- is by automating the delivery of PHYSICAL your CD's and DVD's in addition to your membership course. It's easier than you ever thought possible.
In fact, you can do it with one simple plugin you can start using TODAY!
Use this plugin to capture physical mailing addresses of your free and paying members, then export to Kunaki or SendOutCards to mail physical bonuses or gifts.
Because over 70% of mailing addresses submitted by payment processors such as PayPal, 1ShoppingCart and InfusionSoft are incorrect or out of date, this simple plugin will prompt your new members for their shipping address as soon as they join -- all in one click, with no work on your part!
Then, just retrieve your members' shipping addresses in bulk or one at a time, and send right to Kunaki or SendOutCards to send physical items to your members.
It's simple and you can apply this to one or all of your membership sites right away.
Sounds Good: Order Right Now » »
Plugin #7:
"WP Reseller" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $197 Value)
How would you like to be able to sell multiple products from the same membership site?
For example: you sell one course named "Beginning Real Estate" and another named "Advanced Real Estate"...
You can actually show the "beginning" members one look and feel, and the "advanced" members a different look and feel...
How about this? White label or rebrand your site for others! Sell one version of your site called "United States Real Estate" and another named "Canadian Real Estate" ... same content, same training, different look and feel (depending on who's accessing your site!)
Use this plugin to show a different title on your blog, different logo, even present a different theme (design) of your membership site depending on what level the user belongs to.
Do this using one simple plugin!
Plugin #8:
"WP List Builder" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $197 Value)
Problem: most membership solutions don't interact with your autoresponder... so when someone joins your membership site, they aren't added to your mailing list!
Let's do something about that. WP List Builder is a WordPress plugin that integrates your membership software with your e-mail autoresponder. All you have to do is paste your HTML signup code into this plugin, and it magically works! The first time someone logs into your membership site, they're added to your list.
This integrates with ANY e-mail autoresponder... Aweber, GetResponse, InfusionSoft, 1ShoppingCart, AutoresponsePlus. If it gives you an HTML form, you can connect it to your membership site!
Get Started Today: Click Here »
Plugin #9:
"WP Autosignup" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $97 Value)
Good news: if you have a free membership site, there’s an easy way to get your existing subscribers moved over with one click, using this software.
That's right, if you have members in one site, you can get them to register and login with one single click. And even if they aren't in a membership site, there's a way you can move them from your e-mail autoresponder list onto your free membership site with a single click as well.
Use this one-click membership access as a bonus, location for newsletter archives, special promotion, whatever you choose.
Plugin #10:
"WP Stats Pro" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $497 Value)
Use this plugin to find out what your members are doing inside the member’s area. This is our members called the "Big Brother" plugin -- we used it to make sure our members watched the videos and do the challenges.
Think about this: in a small membership site, you could use this plugin to make sure all of your members were watching your videos and checking out your content. And in a large membership site, if a user tells you they couldn't login or didn't watch any of your videos, you can show indisputable proof of not just when they logged in, but which pages and posts they surfed on your site.
Not only does Wishlist Analytics show you what pages they visited, it also shows you how LONG they stayed on the page, and even if they're still there at this very moment!
Instant Access: Click Right Here »
Plugin #11:
"Wishlist Protector" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $97 Value)
This plugin will let you specify customized content in your posts... for example, show a different coupon code, personal message or recorded video critique for EACH of your different members.
You could record weekly 1-on-1 phone calls or webinars with different coaching students, and post them so each person only sees their personal video or article.
Or even specify COMPLETELY different content in a blog post for logged out users, and another for logged in users. Let's say you wanted to show partial content or "teaser content" for your prospects who have not yet become paying members, but have found your blog. Instead of showing a simple error message asking them to sign up, you could display the actual payment BUTTON at the bottom of every post to get them to join your site.
All from this one simple WordPress plugin, not available anywhere else.
Plugin #12:
"Video Player" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $197 Value)
Have you ever thought about adding video to your site? Have you been discouraged add video to your site because you thought it was too complicated?!
Here's what you can do right now: take any video and add it to your site without knowing anything "fancy" like FTP, cPanel, Amazon S3, SSH, or anything fancy like that.
Just install the "Video Player" plugin, click a button, and you can upload any video from your computer directly into your membership site in just a few seconds...
Bonus: This automatically displays any audio files or PDF documents that accompany your video. It makes adding additional training to your membership course a snap -- just click a button, and now all those "headaches" you used to have with video are now gone forever.
Click Now: Get Started Here »
Plugin #13:
"Gravatar Manager" Plugin
(Instant Delivery: $97 Value)
In any membership site, you want people to get used to the community so they will return on a regular basis and continue paying. For that reason, I'm giving you the Gravatar Manager which you can use to add your members' photos next to their comments, in any WordPress theme.
Once you get your hands on the Gravatar Manager, your membership site will automatically add your user's picture right next to their comments.
You can also add a picture next to all the blog posts you create, so people will not only recognize you -- but be able to tell your membership staff apart from each other.
"Among The Few Marketers I Know Of That Are Authentic In Their Desire To Help People Overcome Obstacles"
I am looking forward to working with your guidance to set up my 3 membership sites during the Membership Cube Course starting tomorrow.
Lance and Robert are among the few marketers I know of that are authentic in their desire to help people overcome the obstacles to their income generating goals using the internet marketing channel.
Your honesty and willingness to share your experience and your real opinions is extremely refreshing.
I know that your personal success is tied to the fact that you guys are genuinely helping others to become effective (or more effective).
Steve Conn
Washington, DC, USA
How Much is Creating a
Membership Site Worth to You?
Before We Answer That...
Here Are 4 Reasons Why Membership Cube is Different Than Any Other Membership
Training System You'll Find on the Market
Right Now, or in the Next 24 Months...
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We "dumb it down" so you don't need any special skills or understand a ton of made-up jargon like "FTM" or "honey pots" or even "value trojans"... this is in plain, everyday English | You get ongoing access to the membership site (including all training, videos, plugins) 24 hours a day, even if it's 2AM or 4PM, anywhere in the world, using your unique login | ![]() |
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There is no theory here -- we've used all the membership techniques we teach and will show you real world examples on the call when we answer your questions | You get access to proprietary information we don't share with anyone outside the class, and proprietary software and plugins only YOU get | ![]() |
Membership Training: 9 Sessions | |
Module 1: Setup Membership Site | $497.00 |
Module 2: One Hour Product Creation | $497.00 |
Module 3: Salesletters & Copywriting | $497.00 |
Module 4: List Building | $497.00 |
Module 5: Fixed-Term Site | $497.00 |
Module 6: Continuity Site | $497.00 |
Module 7: Physical & Directory Site | $497.00 |
Module 8: Retention & Profit Multiplier | $497.00 |
Module 9: Bonus Q& A Call (Live Questions & Critiques) | $497.00 |
WordPress Membership Plugins | |
Wishlist Member Multi-Site: simplified interface | $297.00 |
Membership Designer: membership theme! | $197.00 |
WP Drip: drip content, dashboard pages, copy & paste email generator | $97.00 |
WP Import: bulk add posts or pages | $7.00 |
WP Notepad: checklists, progress graphs, alerts | $97.00 |
WP Kunaki: directory and address manager | $97.00 |
WP Reseller: white label your site | $197.00 |
WP Listbuilder: autoresponder integration | $197.00 |
WP Autosignup: upsell training | $97.00 |
WP Stats Pro: monitor your members | $497.00 |
Wishlist Protector: customized protection | $97.00 |
Video Player: add instant videos with Amazon S3 | $197.00 |
Gravatar Manager: show member pictures | $97.00 |
Wishlist Triggers: connect your membership sites | $397.00 |
Included Today | |
Done For You Membership Funnel:choose ONE (single, fixed term, continuity, coaching) | $997.00 |
Backup Creator Express (1 Year): 4 plug and play "one click membership sites" you can install anywhere in seconds: including single payment, fixed term, continuity, coaching membership sites | $2,292.00 |
Membership Checklist: step-by-step easy installation | $197.00 |
Paper Template Ultimate (1 Year): exact one we use | $47.00 |
Challenges: easy assignment after each session | $997.00 |
Recordings: replay any lesson anytime | $497.00 |
Transcripts: view or print anytime | $497.00 |
Community: ability to ask questions or discuss with other members | $997.00 |
Lifetime Access: come back 24 hours a day forever | $997.00 |
Total Real World Value Today: $14,559.00 |
That's right...$14,559.00 is a great value for everything we're offering you.
The Good News Is,
You're Not Going To Pay $14,559.00
Your Price Today:
Here's a simple fact I want you to think about:
Most People Who Start Membership Sites NEVER Finish Them!
Dont Be Another Statistic!
Get Started With Yours Today...
With this training, you're better than that.
Do you want to be one of those people, always dreaming about a membership site, or do you want to join Membership Cube and create your first... or your NEWEST membership site, right now?
And You Are Protected By Our Priority Money Back Guarantee!
After trying us out for 30 days, for any reason whatsoever, up to and including "no reason at all" ... you can contact either of us and get a 100% refund on your purchase instantly, within 24 hours, with no questions asked.
Go ahead, do it right now... place your order today, and we'll see you on the other side.
There's Only 3 Spots Available!
Order Over our Secure Order Form!
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